This month has meant upheaval for me. I am expecting new housemates in December. This will be for our mutual benefit, they need an affordable place to stay and I could use help with housing expenses. This house is twice the space that I need to live, but nature abhors a vacuum. In the last four years the three spare rooms have filled up with books, fabric, sewing machines, and yarn. Now I am reorganizing the entire house to empty those rooms and move materials to my remaining space. That is a good thing, but time consuming.
Painting walls gave me the thought that I would like to paint one wall with a dark blue paint that I bought cheap and paint jellyfishes in pink on top of the blue. Sam and I have practiced sketching jellyfish for that effort. The blue paper that I made some Inktober sketches on makes a good background for pink jellyfish.
Moon Jelly- colored pencils and ink on Blue Cartridge paper |
I love this blue paper. It was a gift and has no labels to tell me where it was produced. The only label says "A5 cartridge ex col" over a bar code. A5 is the size, and cartridge is what drawing paper is termed in Britain and Europe. This paper has a enough tooth to use with pencils, but is thick enough so there is no bleed-through with any of the fountain pen inks I've used. I also have seen no feathering with fountain pen inks. Toned and colored papers are great fun! I am trying to figure out where to get more of this blue.
Sam's jellyfish and school pick-up practice
Blue Cartridge Paper and graphite pencil |
When picking up my granddaughter at school, I try to practice figure sketching. However, children don't even hold a pose for 5 seconds, let alone 30 seconds! So I am reducing my practice to faces and hairstyles.
On a sad note, we lost Paris hamster last night. Her decline was sudden and unexpected. Sydney continues to be lively, but unfortunately, hamsters (like all small rodents) don't live long. The average lifespan is 2 years, but Sydney and Paris are just over 1 year old. I have no guess as to why Paris died.